Last Wild Place In Providence


NHC Earth Day Celebration Cleanup and Trail Maintenance. Save the date April 26th 2025 a Saturday.  Come out to volunteer to help from 9am to 1pm or projects completed. We work in lite rain. NHC provides the tools and snacks. Come join us and give back to the community. Check our Facebook page and back here for more info as we get closer. Happy Trails.

PAL Report, “The activity which is the subject of this report has been financed in part with federal funds from the Department of the Interior, National Park Service administered by the Rhode Island Historical Preservation and Heritage Commission. The contents and opinions contained herein do not necessarily reflect the views or the policies of the Department of the Interior or the Historical Preservation and Heritage Commission.”

Neutaconkanut Hill Park PAL Report (Click Here)

Neutaconkanut Hill Park PAL Report MAP (Click Here)

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Make a Donation (Click Here)

 Neutaconkanut Hill Conservancy, Inc.

The Neutaconkanut Hill Conservancy is a 501C3, non-profit corporation. The mission and goal of the Conservancy is to preserve the land of Neutaconkanut Hill for future generations so that it will remain forever as it was intended by the King Family and our forefathers, a place of undisturbed natural beauty:

To preserve forever, its beautiful Oak and Hickory Forest, fields of wildflowers, its meadows, valleys, ravines, geological outcroppings, stone walls, natural springs and brooks; maintain it as a natural habitat for deer, fox, wild turkey, and the many small animals and birds that have made, and still make, their home on the Hill.

Winter on the trails

While the level ground at the base of the Hill is devoted to active recreation, with playing fields, swimming pool, water and skate park, the major focus is preserving in perpetuity the 88 acres of open space on the steep slopes and the forested land on top of the Hill.

The Neutaconkanut Hill Conservancy membership is open to those who share our mission.

Neutaconkanut Hill Conservancy, Inc.

P.O. Box, 91154

Johnston, RI 02919


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